Handling Missing Data in Pandas, When to Use bfill and ffill Methods

Data Analysis

Juma Shafara


May 23, 2024


The bfill (backward fill) and ffill (forward fill) methods are used in data analysis and manipulation, particularly for handling missing data in pandas DataFrames or Series. Here’s a detailed explanation of when and how to use each method:

ffill (Forward Fill)

Description: ffill propagates the last valid observation forward to the next valid one.

Use Cases:

  1. Time Series Data: When dealing with time series data, if a certain value is missing, it might be logical to assume that the last observed value remains in effect until a new value is observed. For example, if you have daily stock prices and some days are missing, you might want to fill those missing days with the last known stock price.

  2. Data Smoothing: In some cases, for smoothing purposes, forward filling can help maintain a continuous data series without introducing significant bias.

  3. Survey Data: In survey data, if a respondent skips a question but answers the following ones, you might assume their previous answer holds until they provide a new one.


import pandas as pd

# Sample data with missing values
data = pd.Series([1, 2, None, 4, None, None, 7])
filled_data = data.ffill()


0    1.0
1    2.0
2    2.0
3    4.0
4    4.0
5    4.0
6    7.0
dtype: float64

bfill (Backward Fill)

Description: bfill propagates the next valid observation backward to fill the missing values.

Use Cases:

  1. Predictive Models: In certain predictive models, you might want to assume the next known value affects the previous unknown period. This can be useful when the data naturally reflects future events impacting current states.

  2. Data Preparation: In data preparation, backward filling can sometimes be used to prepare data for algorithms that require no missing values, ensuring that any gap is filled with the next available data point.

  3. Interim Reporting: When generating interim reports, you might use backward fill to assume that future values (like projected sales or stock levels) should be filled backward to reflect estimates.


import pandas as pd

# Sample data with missing values
data = pd.Series([1, 2, None, 4, None, None, 7])
filled_data = data.bfill()


0    1.0
1    2.0
2    4.0
3    4.0
4    7.0
5    7.0
6    7.0
dtype: float64

Choosing Between ffill and bfill

  • Context: Choose based on the context and the logical assumption that fits the nature of your data. If the past influences the present, use ffill. If the future influences the present, use bfill.
  • Data Patterns: Consider the patterns in your data and what makes sense for your specific analysis or model. Ensure that the method you choose maintains the integrity and meaning of your data.

In summary, use ffill to carry forward the last known value to fill missing data points and bfill to use the next known value to fill previous missing data points. Both methods are useful for maintaining data continuity and preparing datasets for analysis.

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